Elfrida Andrée's Organ Symphony No. 2 in E Flat

This March, the Daily Classical Music Post will introduce you to some of the most wonderful music ever composed—and, yes, it will all be by women composers!


The Swedish composer and organist Elfrida Andrée (1841–1929) was one of the first women organists to be appointed to a full-time position in Scandinavia. She was the organist at Götheberg Cathedral from 1867 until her death. In addition to two organ symphonies, she composed many other works, including chamber music, orchestral music, and an opera. She also was the first Swedish woman telegraph operator.

Andrée is definitely not well known either in her native Sweden or, indeed, anywhere else. She probably would not be considered to be a great composer, but her works are definitely tuneful and sometimes quite intriguing. Her Organ Symphony No. 2 for organ and brass is an good example of this.

My classical music post for today is Elfrida Andrée's Organ Symphony No. 2 in E Flat.



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